jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

Why I’m studying geography

When I was in the school, in “enseñanza media”, really I don’t have idea what study, people asked me: Christofer, what you want to study? And I responded: I don´t know, something, a humanist career. In school I stayed in humanist elective and I had good marks so I thought that my abilities going to this way. In the middle of ‘cuarto medio’ I though in study journalism but I discard this option quickly. I liked the history so I think in study pedagogy in history but really I don´t had completely safe so I talked with my history teacher, with who had many confidence, and she told me that geography could be good for me, she studied history at Universidad de Chile and she knew a little the geography career.

Well, I was never too much safe of study geography, until I entered to the Universidad de Chile to study geography in 2013. Little by little the geography began to convince me I think that study a career is like when you like a woman.

First for some reason, she attracts your attention and you start to think about it and you want to know more about her. Little by little you begin to approach her, and you start to discover good and bad things.  Depending how good are those things you will want to still to approach her.

You will have some troubles with her, in a moment you don´t understand her and you will want to leave her… but also will have good moments that make you love her…


viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

A movie I'd like to watch again

Well, the last time I have seen many good movies and there are many movies that I'd like to watch again. A special movie is Dallas Buyers Club, I knew this movie because was nominated to the Academy Award as best picture together with other good movies like “12 years a slave”(the movie that won) and the protagonist Matthew McConaughey won the Academy Award for best actor, also Jared Leto won Academy Award for best supporting actor in 2013
The plot is about Ron Woodroof an electrician and rodeo cowboy guy, in addition homophobic, who is diagnosed with AIDS, in the beginning he refuses to accept his disease but he researches about AIDS and realizes he contracted the disease for have unprotected sex with a prostitute and use intravenous drug. So, for survive he must take a drug (AZT) but that drug it is killing inside, so he get another better medicine, and in a moment begins to make business with the new drug to help other patients and avoid they consume AZT.

In the beginning he offered the medicine to people sick and particularly to homosexuals or transvestites but couldn’t sell because he is a homophobic and not treated well his potential customers. All this change when he knows to Rayon, a transvestite that helps Ron to sell the medicine between homosexuals and transvestites. Little by little Roy is changing his views over the homosexuals and he befriends of Rayon and generates a a close relationship. 

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014


Well, write this post it will be difficult because when I think in something that I am proud of, not appears a clear answer. I think that until now I didn’t make something special or worthy of respect, I not will write in that sense of pride. I think pride is something that you feel with clarity when you are older.

I’m going to write about little things that I make and make me feel satisfied.

When I pass a complicated level in videogames without help, make me feel so proud of myself, and this sensation it increase when I pass a videogames at 100% or over the 100% in a specifically case, like Donkey Kong Country saga for Super Nintendo.

Another thing that I’m proud of is when I play football and I do a good goal or make a good shot or play but the best thing that make me feel so satisfied is when I do a nutmegging, little life’s happiness.

Also, when I understand a subject (SIG or English for example) I feel good and powerful. This is one of the best things that make me feel satisfied.

So I repeat this post it was the most difficult because I don´t have too much ideas.

Movie review: This is England

“This is England” is a British movie released in 2006, written and directed by Shane Meadows. The story is about Shaun, a young skinhead (12 years old) that lives in England in 1983. Before, I saw another movie about a British child that lives in England in that time; “Billy Elliot” is the name, but is totally different in terms of plot, anyway Billy Elliot also is a good movie.    

This is England tells Shaun story; a child whose father died in the Falklands War, this fact is decisive along the story. In the beginning is shown to Shaun in the school, fighting against a boy that made a joke about his father's death, Shaun has no doubt in fight for this reason.

Later, when leaves the school he find with a skinhead group, whose leader is Woody (this character is very friendly) so they start to talk, Woody feels sympathy for Shaun, and in a moment, Woody invites to Shaun to join the group. Shaun is a solitary child, then he enters to the group and start to dress similar to Woody, in fact he begins to drees like a skinhead style, even shaved. These scenes that show the Shaun transformation are very funny; for example when he and the rest of the group enter to the houses and begin to make their own. One of my favorite scenes is when Shaun and Smell begin a romance.

The story change, in a radical way when Combo appears, he expresses nationalist and racist views, and try to influence the group to adopt his views. Shaun is influenced by Combo, because he uses the death of Shaun's father as a means to influence and keep to Shaun following his ideas. The first time when Combo appears with other guy, is so uncomfortable, in general Combo is a guy who causes discomfort. This part I found very well done because I felt also very uncomfortable.

Finally Shaun realizes what kind of person is Combo product of conflict with Milky, who apparently dies, but he not dies.

Caught my attention the actuation of Thomas Turgoose who interprets to Shaun, I think that is an excellent performance. In general terms I found this movie very good, absolutely recommended.

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

A Exhibition

Well, Today I´m going to tell you the last exhibition I went to, it about of WWE show in Santiago, in the 2011.  

In the summer of 2011 I went to see a WWE show in Movistar Arena, it was a great show, very enjoyable. Before 2011, WWE come to Chile in two opportunities but at this moment I don´t have interested in wrestling.  I liked wrestling when I was child, when the company was WWF (the attitude era) I liked wrestler like The Rick, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, etc. but in a moment leave transmit in Chile so I never see more WWE in the TV, until 2008 approximately , when WWE started again to transmit in the TV.
When I went, the first thing that capture my attention was the punctuality, the show began at 8:30 and at this time started, nothing of delay. The show started with mid-carter wrestling, this was very funny because one of them spoke in Spanish (he was from Puerto Rico) so he insulted the public (in a funny way) said thing like “Peru is better than Chile”, obviously the public start to boo him, later appear another wrestler to fight against him and give a lesson from Chilean public.

Another great funny thing that happened was the fight between John Morrison and Sheamus, because Morrison insults to Sheamus in a Chilean way.

Another thing that I enjoyed was the wrestler music entrance, live and direct is most exciting. My favorite was the CM Punk theme entrance, the name of the song is “this fire burns” by  Killswitch Engage
The main event was the fight of John Cena versus CM Punk, two famous wrestler, people was so excited, many chant in favor and against Cena, the public enjoyed that. The fight finished with John Cena’s Attitude Adjustment over CM Punk from the top rope.     


jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

Something that I'm reading

At the moment I’m reading some mangas, the last I started reading (two weeks ago) is Trigun. Well, Trigun is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Yasuhiro Nightow, the first part of manga already ended, in the 90´s and the second part (Trigun Maximum) ended in 2007. This manga belong to the genus of weird/space western, Action, Comedy-drama all covered with a cyberpunk style.

Trigun narrate the history of man known as "Vash the Stampede" and two Bernardelli Insurance Society employees, Meryll and Milley, who follow him around in order to minimize the damages inevitably caused by his appearance. Sixty billion double dollars is on Vash´s head. Wherever he goes a disaster is caused, either destruction or death because he is constantly pursued by a lot of hunters sent by his brother and enemy Knives.  But Vash is a pacifist, so he tries to prevent someone dies, so that he have a body full of scars.

At the present I´m reading the second part, Trigun Maximum, that consists by 84 chapters which I have already read 20. Every chapter has around 30 pages.

Another manga that I’m reading is Naruto, that is near to ended, only lack 4 chapter to finish. Naruto start in 1997 But I met Naruto anime in 2006, and start to read the manga in 2010. So I have a lot of years follow the series. Every Wednesday is published a chapter.

So Naruto is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto, narrate the history of Uzumaki Naruto a ninja of Konoha village, whose dream is become a Hokage. During his way to convert in Hokage, he must confront with powerful enemies. I like to much this manga, is one of my favorite. At the moment Naruto have 696 chapters.


jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014

Special skill

Well, I think that I have a very special skill which is remember unimportant things, I would have liked write about my supersonic ear, my supernatural strong or my wonderful clairvoyance power, but I have to keep it in silence.  

Really I’m going to write about my good memory. I don’t know if is a special talent or no but is interesting write about this.

Well, I think I have a good memory because when I met with my friends or my family I am the guy who remembers one thing that nobody remembers, and the rest say to me: “how can you remember that ****”.  So, in a moment (when I was in the school) I started writing things I remember in a notebook in case that I forget this moment. At this moment I stopped to write but I still remember (I imagine saying this watching the sunset and the wind blowing, moving my hair). Obviously you cannot remember everything and don´t have sense remember all.
I don't' tell what I remember all the time, that would be annoying to all. Just in a few moments.

Also, like other persons, I remember unimportant things occasionally (frequently), are those things that you say “why I remember that”


jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

A gropu activity

Today I’m going to talk about basketball. Well, my experience with the basketball start when I was in the school, I begin to play when I was 13 approximately because a school friend invited me to play. I found very attractive and funny, also a very physically demanding activity. During 7 and 8 grade, I played for the school team in different competitions. I played manly because I was tall in comparison to the rest. In the ‘enseñanza media’ I played in intermittent way, but in my last 2 years in the school I return to play habitually. Now, I am playing in FAU the Monday and Thursday with Cristobal.

The first reason because I like basketball is for the series (anime) Slam Dunk, when I was child never miss a chapter and all my neighbor start to play basketball a little. Slam Dunk is a basketball anime with great history and characters like Hanamichi Sakuragi, Sendoh, Rukawa etc. Is a great series to see, I suggest.  Also I like to play basketball because like in another sports, when you’re playing you forget everything, you finish exhausted but it does not matter, because you have fun.


miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014

2014 fiestas patrias experience

Well, I think that this year the ´fiestas patrias’ were pretty good, I think were better than the past year. 
My experience starting the 17th September, this day I organized a football match with my friends,    fortunately everyone arrived to play, well, the match was very competitive and funny. The match lasted near of 2 hours but seemed little time. This day, in the night, we gather to get drunk by the country.
The next day, the 18th September, I woke up early because I had to go to Buin. In Buin lives my brother and here there are a fonda, well this day I helped to make empanadas in the morning, I thought it would be more annoying make empanadas, but it was good. During the afternoon with my family, we went to the fondas, to do things that are done in the fondas like lose money in games that you will never gonna win.  In the night, we did a barbecue to enjoy in family.

The 19th September was a calm day, a day to rest, to read or do something related to the university. In the night I organized another good football match, be seized the free time to play football.   

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

Chilean national holiday

Well, in my family usually we celebrate this date with typical activities like a barbecue, making empanadas or going to the fondas.  Recently we go to the buin fonda because my brother lives here and the fondas here, I considered is most interesting and cheap that others (like fondas in Parque O´Higgins for example). The day to go out of house is the September 18th, in this day we go to the fondas and the September 19th we stay in home and make typical food. In this date usually I meet with my friends to play a football match in the afternoon and later we meet in the night to have fun.

Last years, like all past years I do it the same, this 18 and 19 I plan to do a different thing, I don’t know what, but is going to be different. I don´t have a specify favorite national holiday but I think that the best national holiday was when I was a child because in my neighborhood  the people organize a lot of typical activities like ‘carrera de sacos’, ‘palo ensebado’, ‘rayuela’,  spinning top, fly a kite, marbles game, throw the rope and a more activities. People listen to typical Chilean music, cuecas, like ‘El guatón Loyola’, ‘La rosa y el clavel’ and a lot of greatest hits. I think that way to celebrate this holyday is one of the best, because is more Chilean typical and less capitalist and consumerist.

One thing that I miss is dance in the school, not for the make, because I find it very funny dance with choreography and typical clothes (or specify clothes).


jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

A special place in Santiago

Well, I think that my special place in Santiago is Plaza Brasil. I going to talk about that place because remember me my school days.  Plaza Brasil is enclosure by Brasil Avenue to the west, Huerfano Street to the south, Compañia de Jesus Street to the north and Maturana Street to the east. Plaza Brasil is located near to the Metro station Cumming (L5).

This place is part of “Barrio Brasil”, and the square has an important role inside the life in   neighborhood. There, usually take place different form of a bohemian culture (I refer to culture, art, recreation and recreation manifestation). Part of his typical architecture has change for big building (urban development of Santiago.)

My experience with this place goes back 6 years ago approximate, when I was in school because this place was a meeting place with my friends and classmate. Generally we went to Plaza Brasil to played football among us and against people of another school, those was a very funny moments.  Instead of go to the school we prefer go to Plaza Brasil to have a good time, thing that actually I can´t do it. There are a lot of moments that come to my mind including some romantic moments.

When I think in Plaza Brasil always come to my mind the song “In my Life” by John Lennon.     


miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014

Free Post: Studio Ghibli

Studio Ghibli is a Japanese animation film studio world famous, since its founding in the 80’s Ghibli has produced 22 films, the most recently this year. The visible faces of Ghibli are his founders, the directors Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata and the producer Toshio Suzuki. This month Studio Ghibli announced it was temporarily halting production of movies and begin an internal restructuring; meanwhile they will work in the management licenses its products. 

Well, I like Ghibli movies because they know how count a history, creating a magical world that surrounds you or showing the reality, and how can this be raw. The animation quality is exceptional, full of details that make landscapes come alive. Another reason and I think the most important for explain why I like his movies, are the messages that Ghibli send: pacifism, environmental care, leading role of women, for name a few. I will make a list of my favorites Ghibli's movies, this movies are the most famous and better of the study, recognized worldwide.

Spirited Away

Chihiro history was awarded in 2002 with a Golden Bear and an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film. Is a masterpiece that makes a critique of modern Japanese society, environmental pollution but the main theme is the spiritual journey of Chihiro, where she must fight for don´t lose his identity.

Grave of Fireflies

Considered alongside “Schindler's List” from Steven Spielberg and “The Pianist” from Roman Polanski, as one of the best anti-war films of all time, and a masterpiece of animation. This movie shows the war costs from the children pain.

Also I suggest see Princess Mononoke and Howl's Moving Castle

jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014

Manal al-Sharif

Manal al-Sharif is a computer security consultant and activist who helped to start a campaign of women's right to drive in Saudi Arabia (Women 2 Drive), because there, is the only country where women have forbidden driving motor vehicles. In 2011 she drove a car and was recorded by her brother and later uploaded on Facebook and YouTube, her video became viral and lot of people around the world knows about her. She and his brother were arrested and release in the same day, and the next day she was arrested again. She was put on jail during 9 days under no charge because doesn’t exist in Saudi Arabia a law that forbidden that women drive, it´s only a tradition and custom. Some people saw her like a villain for rebelling against the ban and the opposite some people saw her like a hero for contribute in the defense of the women’s right in Saudi Arabia.

In my opinion, I agree with Manal and his action for the women’s right because in his society women are enshrine, so they must fight for her right, for her liberty, in a no violence form like Manal, sending a message to society saying women are capable to take her own decision and have the same right like men. How Manal say instead of ask herself when will be the day that women can be able to drive, they must do something like take the wheel and break the taboo, this example could be applicable in other situations that restricting their freedom. Manal is not a revolutionary that hate his own country on the contrary she was very clear when it say she is proud and loves his country, she want generates changes in these old traditions and customs, that generates an oppressive and misogyny society.

Women can take the wheel and drive their own destiny. 

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Review Earth 2100

Movie Review


The movie is about consequences, in a worst case, of climate change, over population, pollution and misuse of natural resources. The movie tells the history of the fictional protagonist named Lucy, she was born in 2009 and survives until 2100, and she tells us how the planet gradually becomes decadent.


Personally, I think that is not very a good movie because it causes alarm exaggeratedly about the consequences of climate change and others things, some people can take the movie very seriously. I believe that is almost another movie of a final of the civilization as we know now, the difference is in the participation of many experts about the climate and other areas related with se environment.  Yes, environment is a very important topic and people must be aware, but these kinds of films do not help too much.

In a part, the movie how the most polluting countries attempt to reach an agreement, but his economics interest not allowed, specifically China is the country that refuses, this I found a very American way. Also, the humanity history from 2009 to 2100 almost entirely elapses in United States.

After show how the civilization will be in 2100, the movie shows some way to avoid reaching a similar situation, but this part is very short, and I don´t remember to much about that. I believe if you don´t care learn more about the environment and the clean energies do not matter this part and the publicity about “earth 2010” website

Finally, all is propaganda to “earth 2100” website for better or worse.

1. Clean energies, because his use could be better know

2. Horrible future, in this and other movies the future always is bad.

martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Summer 2014

Last summer, I stayed at home, I didn’t work because the only thing I wanted to do was rest. Almost all day I played long time videogames or saw a lot of movie and series. Others day I went with my friend to ride a bike, the road was beginning in my house and finish in Parque Bustamante, the return was very tiring. Generally January is usually a month where I play a lot of football. On that moth also I met with my friends every Friday´s night, were going to the billiard and then to my friend’s house to have fun.
I went to the beach with my family during February, specifically I went to Las Cruces, because in this place my father spent his childhood. Las Cruces is located in V region, is near to El Tabo, Cartagena and the San Antonio port.
First of all, I have to say that I don´t like too much the beach, there isn’t my favorite place to go to vacation. To reach Las Cruces, we went by my father´s car in a no longer travel. In Las Cruces we stayed in a nice rented house. The things that I did in those weeks were generally the same: in the morning, have a breakfast and running a little. In the afternoon, go to the beach, here swimming a little and sleep. At night go to the ‘amusement park’ and play the classic card games with family. One of best thing that I liked about the holidays was I ate many delicious things.

The most important part of the vacation was that I could relax my mind and body. In conclusion, I had a quiet holiday with family and friends were passed many good things.