miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Review Earth 2100

Movie Review


The movie is about consequences, in a worst case, of climate change, over population, pollution and misuse of natural resources. The movie tells the history of the fictional protagonist named Lucy, she was born in 2009 and survives until 2100, and she tells us how the planet gradually becomes decadent.


Personally, I think that is not very a good movie because it causes alarm exaggeratedly about the consequences of climate change and others things, some people can take the movie very seriously. I believe that is almost another movie of a final of the civilization as we know now, the difference is in the participation of many experts about the climate and other areas related with se environment.  Yes, environment is a very important topic and people must be aware, but these kinds of films do not help too much.

In a part, the movie how the most polluting countries attempt to reach an agreement, but his economics interest not allowed, specifically China is the country that refuses, this I found a very American way. Also, the humanity history from 2009 to 2100 almost entirely elapses in United States.

After show how the civilization will be in 2100, the movie shows some way to avoid reaching a similar situation, but this part is very short, and I don´t remember to much about that. I believe if you don´t care learn more about the environment and the clean energies do not matter this part and the publicity about “earth 2010” website

Finally, all is propaganda to “earth 2100” website for better or worse.

1. Clean energies, because his use could be better know

2. Horrible future, in this and other movies the future always is bad.

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Christofer,

    WC: 285. Just 15 more words and you are there! I think your review is fine. You need to check a few things:

    how the planet (it) gradually becomes decadent (DOUBLE SUBJECT)

    Check confusing sentences:

    that is not A very good movie because IT CAUSES alarm exaggeratedly about ...
    ...other(s) things...

    ...but these kinds of filmS DO not help too much... ETC. You need to check your grammar carefullly.


