jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014


Well, write this post it will be difficult because when I think in something that I am proud of, not appears a clear answer. I think that until now I didn’t make something special or worthy of respect, I not will write in that sense of pride. I think pride is something that you feel with clarity when you are older.

I’m going to write about little things that I make and make me feel satisfied.

When I pass a complicated level in videogames without help, make me feel so proud of myself, and this sensation it increase when I pass a videogames at 100% or over the 100% in a specifically case, like Donkey Kong Country saga for Super Nintendo.

Another thing that I’m proud of is when I play football and I do a good goal or make a good shot or play but the best thing that make me feel so satisfied is when I do a nutmegging, little life’s happiness.

Also, when I understand a subject (SIG or English for example) I feel good and powerful. This is one of the best things that make me feel satisfied.

So I repeat this post it was the most difficult because I don´t have too much ideas.

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