viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

A movie I'd like to watch again

Well, the last time I have seen many good movies and there are many movies that I'd like to watch again. A special movie is Dallas Buyers Club, I knew this movie because was nominated to the Academy Award as best picture together with other good movies like “12 years a slave”(the movie that won) and the protagonist Matthew McConaughey won the Academy Award for best actor, also Jared Leto won Academy Award for best supporting actor in 2013
The plot is about Ron Woodroof an electrician and rodeo cowboy guy, in addition homophobic, who is diagnosed with AIDS, in the beginning he refuses to accept his disease but he researches about AIDS and realizes he contracted the disease for have unprotected sex with a prostitute and use intravenous drug. So, for survive he must take a drug (AZT) but that drug it is killing inside, so he get another better medicine, and in a moment begins to make business with the new drug to help other patients and avoid they consume AZT.

In the beginning he offered the medicine to people sick and particularly to homosexuals or transvestites but couldn’t sell because he is a homophobic and not treated well his potential customers. All this change when he knows to Rayon, a transvestite that helps Ron to sell the medicine between homosexuals and transvestites. Little by little Roy is changing his views over the homosexuals and he befriends of Rayon and generates a a close relationship. 

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