jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

Why I’m studying geography

When I was in the school, in “enseñanza media”, really I don’t have idea what study, people asked me: Christofer, what you want to study? And I responded: I don´t know, something, a humanist career. In school I stayed in humanist elective and I had good marks so I thought that my abilities going to this way. In the middle of ‘cuarto medio’ I though in study journalism but I discard this option quickly. I liked the history so I think in study pedagogy in history but really I don´t had completely safe so I talked with my history teacher, with who had many confidence, and she told me that geography could be good for me, she studied history at Universidad de Chile and she knew a little the geography career.

Well, I was never too much safe of study geography, until I entered to the Universidad de Chile to study geography in 2013. Little by little the geography began to convince me I think that study a career is like when you like a woman.

First for some reason, she attracts your attention and you start to think about it and you want to know more about her. Little by little you begin to approach her, and you start to discover good and bad things.  Depending how good are those things you will want to still to approach her.

You will have some troubles with her, in a moment you don´t understand her and you will want to leave her… but also will have good moments that make you love her…


viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

A movie I'd like to watch again

Well, the last time I have seen many good movies and there are many movies that I'd like to watch again. A special movie is Dallas Buyers Club, I knew this movie because was nominated to the Academy Award as best picture together with other good movies like “12 years a slave”(the movie that won) and the protagonist Matthew McConaughey won the Academy Award for best actor, also Jared Leto won Academy Award for best supporting actor in 2013
The plot is about Ron Woodroof an electrician and rodeo cowboy guy, in addition homophobic, who is diagnosed with AIDS, in the beginning he refuses to accept his disease but he researches about AIDS and realizes he contracted the disease for have unprotected sex with a prostitute and use intravenous drug. So, for survive he must take a drug (AZT) but that drug it is killing inside, so he get another better medicine, and in a moment begins to make business with the new drug to help other patients and avoid they consume AZT.

In the beginning he offered the medicine to people sick and particularly to homosexuals or transvestites but couldn’t sell because he is a homophobic and not treated well his potential customers. All this change when he knows to Rayon, a transvestite that helps Ron to sell the medicine between homosexuals and transvestites. Little by little Roy is changing his views over the homosexuals and he befriends of Rayon and generates a a close relationship. 

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014


Well, write this post it will be difficult because when I think in something that I am proud of, not appears a clear answer. I think that until now I didn’t make something special or worthy of respect, I not will write in that sense of pride. I think pride is something that you feel with clarity when you are older.

I’m going to write about little things that I make and make me feel satisfied.

When I pass a complicated level in videogames without help, make me feel so proud of myself, and this sensation it increase when I pass a videogames at 100% or over the 100% in a specifically case, like Donkey Kong Country saga for Super Nintendo.

Another thing that I’m proud of is when I play football and I do a good goal or make a good shot or play but the best thing that make me feel so satisfied is when I do a nutmegging, little life’s happiness.

Also, when I understand a subject (SIG or English for example) I feel good and powerful. This is one of the best things that make me feel satisfied.

So I repeat this post it was the most difficult because I don´t have too much ideas.

Movie review: This is England

“This is England” is a British movie released in 2006, written and directed by Shane Meadows. The story is about Shaun, a young skinhead (12 years old) that lives in England in 1983. Before, I saw another movie about a British child that lives in England in that time; “Billy Elliot” is the name, but is totally different in terms of plot, anyway Billy Elliot also is a good movie.    

This is England tells Shaun story; a child whose father died in the Falklands War, this fact is decisive along the story. In the beginning is shown to Shaun in the school, fighting against a boy that made a joke about his father's death, Shaun has no doubt in fight for this reason.

Later, when leaves the school he find with a skinhead group, whose leader is Woody (this character is very friendly) so they start to talk, Woody feels sympathy for Shaun, and in a moment, Woody invites to Shaun to join the group. Shaun is a solitary child, then he enters to the group and start to dress similar to Woody, in fact he begins to drees like a skinhead style, even shaved. These scenes that show the Shaun transformation are very funny; for example when he and the rest of the group enter to the houses and begin to make their own. One of my favorite scenes is when Shaun and Smell begin a romance.

The story change, in a radical way when Combo appears, he expresses nationalist and racist views, and try to influence the group to adopt his views. Shaun is influenced by Combo, because he uses the death of Shaun's father as a means to influence and keep to Shaun following his ideas. The first time when Combo appears with other guy, is so uncomfortable, in general Combo is a guy who causes discomfort. This part I found very well done because I felt also very uncomfortable.

Finally Shaun realizes what kind of person is Combo product of conflict with Milky, who apparently dies, but he not dies.

Caught my attention the actuation of Thomas Turgoose who interprets to Shaun, I think that is an excellent performance. In general terms I found this movie very good, absolutely recommended.