jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014

Manal al-Sharif

Manal al-Sharif is a computer security consultant and activist who helped to start a campaign of women's right to drive in Saudi Arabia (Women 2 Drive), because there, is the only country where women have forbidden driving motor vehicles. In 2011 she drove a car and was recorded by her brother and later uploaded on Facebook and YouTube, her video became viral and lot of people around the world knows about her. She and his brother were arrested and release in the same day, and the next day she was arrested again. She was put on jail during 9 days under no charge because doesn’t exist in Saudi Arabia a law that forbidden that women drive, it´s only a tradition and custom. Some people saw her like a villain for rebelling against the ban and the opposite some people saw her like a hero for contribute in the defense of the women’s right in Saudi Arabia.

In my opinion, I agree with Manal and his action for the women’s right because in his society women are enshrine, so they must fight for her right, for her liberty, in a no violence form like Manal, sending a message to society saying women are capable to take her own decision and have the same right like men. How Manal say instead of ask herself when will be the day that women can be able to drive, they must do something like take the wheel and break the taboo, this example could be applicable in other situations that restricting their freedom. Manal is not a revolutionary that hate his own country on the contrary she was very clear when it say she is proud and loves his country, she want generates changes in these old traditions and customs, that generates an oppressive and misogyny society.

Women can take the wheel and drive their own destiny.